Access to LUMI Resources
LUMI is a unique European initiative related to supercomputers, involving eleven European countries and the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) investing in a shared system aimed at accelerating research and thereby increasing the competitiveness of European solutions. The peak performance of LUMI is 552 petaflops. ACC Cyfronet AGH represents Poland in the LUMI consortium. Thanks to the financial contribution of the state and the cooperation of our specialists, Polish scientists can use the supercomputer's resources for large-scale computational research, parallel processing of massive datasets, and multi-faceted analyses, including the use of artificial intelligence.
See LUMI documentation for more details.
The call for LUMI test grants is continuous. The call for regular grants is opened twice a year. Information about a new call is circulated by e-mail, the announcement is posted on and
The applicant for a test or computing grant may be a person who is affiliated as an employee of a scientific institution in PLGrid Portal.
How to apply? Hints & additional information