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Complete PUHURI application in English

Puhuri AAI uses MyAccessID platform as an integration point for all IdPs. MyAccessID is published in eduGAIN as a Service Provider and will consume IdPs available in eduGAIN through the metadata exchange mechanism. MyAccessID can on request integrate IdPs in the case they are not available in eduGAIN.

Registration to the PUHURI portal

The user should register with PUHURI portal.

Puhuri login

Select the option Sign in with MyAccessID


Then enter plgrid in the login field and select PLGrid IdP

PLGrid IdP

Enter your PLGrid login details on the next page

PLGrid login

Make sure that the correct data is entered and check the required fields

Register MyAccessID

If registration is successful, you will receive confirmation.


Regular Access


  • Duration: 1 year
  • Applications must be submitted in English only
  • Maximum available resources:
    • 20,000,000 CPU
    • 1,000,000 GPU
    • 10,000,000 TBh

Grant applications for the LUMI supercomputer are conducted according to the schedule available on the website Only individuals with active accounts on the PLGrid portal and affiliation with a Supervisor's affiliation are eligible to apply for grants.

How to apply? Hints & additional information

Timeline of Application Review


Applying for Resources on the LUMI Supercomputer

To apply for a grant on the LUMI supercomputer, you can find the application form in the PLGrid portal under the Grants section. Please note that the application is only active during specific competition periods.


Next, please fill in the required fields in the application form.

Basic Information

Informacje podstawowe


Use the buttons to apply for the necessary resources


Application Details

Complete the details


Research Projects

If the use of resources is directly related to the implementation of programs or projects, you can add them in this section.

Projekty badawcze

Publication Declarations

Deklaracje publikacji


Please remember to include acknowledgments in all publications created with the support of LUMI infrastructure. We acknowledge Polish high-performance computing infrastructure PLGrid for awarding this project access to the LUMI supercomputer, owned by the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, hosted by CSC (Finland) and the LUMI consortium through [grant No].


In the final step, check the required fields in the statement and Send the application.


Ostatnia aktualizacja: 15 października 2024