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Introduction to Grants


  • Only users with an active affiliation can use grants.
  • To perform computations on clusters, in addition to having the proper grant, you must apply for access to the specific cluster in the Services section of the Portal.
  • Submission, renegotiation, and settlement of applications can only be carried out by the team manager of a PLGrid scientific team.
  • If a user does not accept proposed resource allocation changes within 30 days, their grant application may be deleted.

PLGrid Pilot Grant


When applying for a grant, provide real research topic (avoid topics such as "testing infrastructure"). Please also specify the "Research purpose" of your research and complete the "Declared publications" section.


You can apply for only one pilot grant within a 12-month period.

  • The grant requires presenting the scientific goal of planned research and a description of how the requested resources will be used.
  • Access to resources is granted within an hour.
  • Users are allocated 1000 computing hours and 10 GB of disk space.
  • There is a maximum task execution time of 72 hours.
  • Resources from this grant must be used within a year.
  • You cannot have more than one active pilot grant simultaneously.
  • In a given year, a user can receive only one pilot grant.
  • The grant is subject to renegotiation.
  • The grant is subject to settlement.
  • Publications resulting from its use should be reported using the Settlements tab.

PLGrid Proper Grant

  • With a proper grant, you can obtain more and more diverse resources than in the Pilot Grant.
  • The grant is negotiable during the application.
  • The grant requires presenting the scientific goal of planned research and a description of how the requested resources will be used.
  • The grant is subject to settlement.
  • The grant is subject to renegotiation.


Please remember to include acknowledgments in all publications created with the support of PLGrid infrastructure.


After successfully settling a grant, you can apply for another one in the Grants section of the Portal. If the grant's topic has not changed, select the option Is the grant a continuation of a grant? when applying for the new one and then choose your previous grant from the dropdown list.

Acknowledgment text to be included in publications created with PLGrid support

We gratefully acknowledge Poland's high-performance Infrastructure PLGrid [choose the appropriate center from the list: ACC Cyfronet AGH, PCSS, CI TASK, WCSS] for providing computer facilities and support within computational grant no [ID of the grant].

Last update: December 10, 2024