Helios (Academic Computer Centre Cyfronet AGH)
Helios reaches a computing power of 35 PFlops.
It offers:
- 76 416 AMD EPYC cores
- 31 680 NVIDIA Grace cores
- 440 NVIDIA GH200 96 GB accelerators
- 24 NVIDIA H100 94 GB accelerators
- 18 PB disk space
- Slingshot network 200 GB/s
More information can be found on Cyfronet website.
Applying for resources
The allocation of resources on the Helios cluster is based on the Regulations on access to the EuroHPC PL research infrastructure available on the website of ACC Cyfronet AGH.
For a user applying for resources on Helios, the most important changes compared to grants on other clusters are:
- the grant must have a completed section Related projects (§5, point 4b of the Regulations)
- Co-ops from HPC center must be indicated in the application ((§5, point 4c of the Regulations); if no Co-ops from HPC center is indicated, it will be automatically added at the application verification stage
Other clusters
Ares (ACC Cyfronet AGH)
Athena (ACC Cyfronet AGH)
Tryton (CI TASK)
Last update:
February 6, 2025