Grants for Subordinates
Title should be consistent with the subject of the work and description of research, without information that it is for students, graduates, etc.
Grants for PhD Students and Subordinate Employees of Scientific Units
Individuals who have obtained a master's degree and wish to continue using PLGrid infrastructure resources based on their affiliation as a Subordinate employee or PhD student of a scientific unit (i.e. individuals applying for resources related to their doctoral thesis works and individuals employed at an academic institution, conducting research but not holding at least a doctoral degree) are requested to add their supervisor (indicated in their affiliation) to their scientific team with the role of team manager.
PhD students are asked to have the grant name suggest a connection to their doctoral work, e.g., by adding "PhD" to the grant's name.
Grants for Diploma Theses and Student Projects
Students writing diploma theses (of various degrees) are kindly requested not to submit applications for proper grants (such applications will be rejected) but to use grants intended for diploma theses, established by their supervisors.
Supervisors of students writing diploma theses or working on student projects are asked to create separate grants (separate from their own research) for their students, intended for diploma computations of Subordinates and their other projects. Such a grant does not require extensive justification beyond providing basic information, including the field of study and the topics of the work that will be produced based on it. The supervisor should create one grant for all of their Subordinates, gaining easy access to knowledge about the progress of their Subordinates' work. The grant for diploma theses/student projects is settled with the works produced based on it.
Detailed Information:
- The grant for diploma theses/student projects is a variant of the proper grant – access to resources, the application process, and support remain the same as with a proper grant.
- It is recommended that a grant for diploma theses be established for a separate PLGrid Team, corresponding to the supervisor's current seminar group. It is also recommended that the grant's name suggests that it is associated with the creation of diploma theses/student projects.
- An application for a proper grant is submitted by the team manager, who is the academic supervisor of the seminar group.
- The grant is negotiable during the application stage.
- Resources in the grant are negotiated by the team manager.
- The grant does not require motivation, but please provide the seminar name, field of study, number of participants, and the topics of the work to be produced.
- The grant is subject of settlement, which includes submitting scientific and diploma papers produced using grant resources.
- The grant is subject of renegotiation.