Editing your data
If your details (e-mail, telephone, account password) need to be changed or completed:
- Go to the Profile & affiliations tab in the Portal
- Use the Basic Information or Extended Information tab
- Update or complete the data
- Confirm your changes with Save
- You are not permitted to edit (change) the following account parameters: Full name and Login.
- In case you need to change your first or last name, please contact us by Helpdesk PLGrid.
To change your password:
- Go to the Profile & affiliations tab in PLGrid Portal
- Use the Profile management tab and Edit password
- Define your new password and confirm changes
SSH Keys
In Profile & affiliations tab you can also define pair of SSH keys which enables you to log on to the computing clusters without passwords. This is more secure and convenient than the traditional password login.
- Go to the SSH Keys tab and click Add new SSH key
- Exemplary command to generate a new SSH key pair in the terminal is:
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -a 100
- Acceptable SSH key formats: Ed25519, RSA (min. 4096 length), and ECDSA.
- On the local machine, go to the directory where the key pair was created (by default ~/.ssh) and copy the contents of the public key (.pub file)
- Paste the content of the public key in the field marked "SSH key *" in the Portal, above giving it a name, then save the changes
If you are Windows 10 user, this guide may be helpful for defining SSH key pair: Windows 10 OpenSSH Equivalent of ssh-copy-id.
Last update:
April 24, 2024